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25 February, 2013

Small Wind Harnessing Generates Electricity, Too

Every time you feel a small breeze upon your skin you
need take your calculator out and think; bling! bling!   That's 100% correct and calculable as we are not taking Ben Franklin experiment into the 21st century, Philadelphia!  What did

Ben Franklin use during his experiment to harnessing electricity?  A kite, a string, a copper key and the forgotten factor:

It is incumbent we do something about this NOW good people
of this Earth.  Citizens Concerned with Cleaner and less Costly electric Futures:
Small Wind is the last frontier and a commodity according to the federal government.  Yes, champion small wind capture/harnessing and meet me at the bank: Craig Adams of  PECO knows commercial wind is too expensive and high maintenance so what did Exelon  (Mother company to PECO) do?  Abandon it, why because of cost containment. However, this does not apply to Small Wind harnessing it's clean, it's viable.  Soon each will embrace the above like cable, cellphone, voicemail and other technologies.  Thanks, to the 44th POTUS Barack Obama!  Thanks to Ben Franklin who wonders why it has taken Humanity so long to embrace his experiment... bringing it, into a 21st century application.  I promise each readers of this Blog: the pioneers who examine the above will go to the BANK with capital and merge like gold rush prospects once did in Early American history.  With the growing demands of electricity by each of us we can no longer fully depend on the GRID as we once knew it.  Its antiquated, vulnerable, latent with EMF's and unclean.  Let's look at how it currently expands insurance liabilities (both, medical and property).  In addition, electricity as our forefathers knew it-- no longer prepared to keep pace with the long-term demands this generation of Americans requires. Think I am joking just look at what is happening in
 Liberia's capital city,  TODAY-- 2013 with their electricity...   Going Green is no longer a buzz term!   Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) are compact, attractive and no longer a hazard to birds.  VAWT's  cost effective and accessible from residential to commercial urban/rural application(s). Thanks to Pete & Gerry Tailer, Jeff & Christine Lurie and Don Smolenski who get it!  I was given the names Spotted Eagle the Oldest Butterfly Women in 1992 by The Creek Nation at Turtle Mountain Reservation because I get it , too.  Now it's your turn.  Please keep an eye open for my latest venture: short animated film entitled: Mr. Jolly and His Posse in The Last DNA it illustrates why the time for Small Wind development is NOW.
You do want to make the world a better place to live, don't you?  Well, "put on your sailing shoes" "(a Robert Palmer... lyric) and adjust because like voicemail, cellphones, and cable VAWT is coming to a roof near you: 'so get with the party' early or late its your choice.  Has anyone ever set down and crunched the numbers of how much the average adult has paid for utility access during a lifetime?  Stick with me and visit WindEnegyPhilly Blog periodically for updates...  Thank you kindly

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